Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to rename Ethernet Device using udev? How to change ethX to ethY?

Today we replaced motherboard/system board on our R610 Dell Server. Guess what? SuSe (Linux OS) still believes that it has 8 ethernet devices ( 4 on old system board and 4 on new system board ). So, now my new ethernet devices are listed as

I wanted to change the name back to
as I know that on my new system board there are only four builtin ethernet devices

So, what did I do to fix it?

Step 1: Stop network service #rcnetwork stop

Step 2: Edit udev rules for network devices # vi /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Change ethX to ethY. Where X is undesired name and Y is desired name
So, I changed eth4 to eth0, eth5 to eth1, eth6 to eth2 and eth7 to eth3

Step4: Reboot the server

Step5: Check if it got the right name. You can use #ifconfig command
You can also use #hwinfo --netcard (For detailed information on network hardware)

Step5: Configure the IP address. In SuSe you can use YaST setup tool

I hope this helps you too..... :)

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