Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I will be talking about PURE-FTP


You can install pure-ftp using YAST ( interactive tool for software installation on SLES/OES2)

# rpm -qagrep ftp


Configuration files:


Make sure that service is running and will startup on next reboot

#chkconfig --list grep ftp
pure-ftpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off

pure-ftpd is the name of the deamon/service. If there were 'off' on runleve 3 and 5, you could run the command

#chkconfig pure-ftpd on

/etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf file is very clean and nicely described.

Some of the parameters are:
ChrootEveryone yes
TrustedGID 100

NoAnonymous yes
UnixAuthentication yes

NoRename yes
and many more

Make sure that, after making some changes on this file, you have to restart the service.

#service pure-ftpd restart

Additional Tips:

What should I do to give ftp user (say ftpuser) access to some different directory?

Ans: Say, ftpuser is chrooted to /home/ftpuser. So, he won't be able to access other than /home/ftpuser. Say, ftpuser need access to /tmp/backup. You can create a shortcut for /tmp/backup in /home/ftpuser. However, 'ln' command will not help in FTP. You will have to use 'mount --bind ' command

#mount --bind /tmp/backup /home/ftpuser/backup

You can go to /etc/bash.bashrc and add the above line to mount the drive automatically at every reboot.

Have a fun :)

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